2 days in osaka

And why it was my favourite japanese City!

When we planned our trip to Japan, Tokyo was the star attraction. We couldn't wait to experience its neon-lit streets, towering skyscrapers, and unparalleled shopping districts. However, after spending two days in Osaka, we found ourselves falling in love with this vibrant city. Dare we say it? We might even prefer Osaka to Tokyo! Here’s how we spent our 48 hours in Osaka, discovering its charm and uniqueness at every turn.

Day 1: Historical Treasures and Local Delights

Osaka Castle: A Step Back in Time

Our first stop was the iconic Osaka Castle. Nestled in the heart of the city, this magnificent structure stands as a testament to Japan's rich history. As we wandered through the castle grounds, the serenity of the surrounding park offered a peaceful contrast to the bustling city.

After exploring the castle, we stumbled upon a hidden rooftop bar called Blue Birds Rooftop Terrace. Perched above the city with a perfect view of the castle, this rooftop bar provided the ideal spot to relax with a beer. We highly recommend taking a moment here to soak in the panoramic views and reflect on the city's historical significance.

Arcade Bars: A Nostalgic Adventure

As evening approached, we dove into Osaka's vibrant nightlife. The city's arcade bars transported us back to our childhood with rows of retro gaming machines and pinball tables. We played our way through classic games, enjoying the laid-back and fun atmosphere that Osaka is known for. Our favourite was the iconic Dance Mats and the extremely weird photo booths!

Rooftop Bars: Views and Vibes

The finished the day with a visit to one of Osaka's many rooftop bars, Granbellhotel Osaka Rooftop bar. With the city sprawled out before us, we sipped on craft cocktails while taking in the stunning skyline. The mix of modern architecture and traditional rooftops provided a unique and captivating view, making it clear why Osaka is often considered Tokyo’s cooler, edgier cousin.

Day 2: Modern Marvels and Cultural Wonders

Shinsaibashi-Suji Shopping Street: Shopper’s Paradise

No trip to Osaka is complete without a visit to Shinsaibashi-Suji Shopping Street. Stretching for almost 600 meters, this bustling arcade is a shopper’s paradise. From high-end fashion boutiques to quirky local shops, there’s something for everyone. We spent hours wandering through the street, indulging in retail therapy and sampling delicious street food from various vendors.

Glico Man Billboard: A Photogenic Landmark

Just a short walk from Shinsaibashi-Suji, we encountered the famous Glico Man billboard in Dotonbori. This iconic neon sign, featuring a running man, has become a symbol of Osaka’s energetic spirit. We joined the crowd of tourists taking photos and marveled at the vibrant lights reflecting off the Dotonbori Canal.

Namba Yasaka Jinja Shrine: The Coolest Shrine Ever

Our next stop was the Namba Yasaka Jinja Shrine, and it did not disappoint. Unlike any shrine we had seen before, Namba Yasaka boasts a gigantic lion head stage that is both awe-inspiring and slightly surreal. We were captivated by the shrine’s unique design and the sense of tranquility it offered amidst the urban hustle and bustle. It was the perfect way to end our Osaka adventure on a high note.

Osaka Tower: Captivating views

During our exploration of Osaka, we were drawn to Osaka Tower, although we didn't ascend it. From the bustling streets below, we marveled at its presence and the vibrant atmosphere of the surrounding area. Osaka Tower offered a commanding view of the cityscape, enhancing our admiration for Osaka's dynamic urban landscape.

Why We Prefer Osaka to Tokyo

After two days in Osaka, we were surprised by how much we loved the city. Its blend of historical charm, modern attractions, and vibrant culture left a lasting impression on us. While Tokyo is undeniably an incredible city, Osaka's unique character, friendly locals, and less frenetic pace made it a standout destination in our hearts.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Japan, don’t overlook Osaka. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, a gamer, or just someone looking for a good time, Osaka has something to offer. We left the city with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for its many charms. We’ll definitely be back, and who knows, maybe next time, we’ll stay even longer.


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